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BANGBROS – Les offres de la police noire mettent Kiki Parker, fille blanche riche de Snobby, à sa place

BANGBROS – Les offres de la police noire mettent Kiki Parker, fille blanche riche de Snobby, à sa place


  On patrol, we found this car that was reported stolen this morning, a blue Tesla. We pursued the vehicle and pulled it over. We saw that the person driving it was a white woman, who began harassing us because she said that she was the mayor’s daughter and that she did not want to be bothered by us. We tried several time to get her identification, but she refused but once dispatch confirmed that that was the stolen vehicle we made an arrest. She resisted arrest but we got her into the squad car. Then me and my partner took her back to the precinct and interrogated her. She had a long arrest record, but because of her father she would get away with it. Well not this time, we gave her the option of choosing the Hard way or the Easy way and she said she’d go the easy way. So me and my partner took her to the roof and we took turns fucking her pussy and her mouth. The little white bitch got what she deserved some black justice for a white slut.  

BANGBROS - Les offres de la police noire mettent Kiki Parker, fille blanche riche de Snobby, à sa place

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Added 4 years ago
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