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Big Booty Ashly Anderson Fucks Lil D For her Re-Debut

Big Booty Ashly Anderson Fucks Lil D For her Re-Debut


  Ashly Anderson made her (first) debut on the Hussie couch way back in March 2018, so yes, this is kinda her redebut. Of course, we welcomed her back with open arms… as well as a Lil D (pun intended), who we haven't seen since this whole COVID shitshow started. Anyway, after we catch up a little bit with Ashly, Lil D steps in to inspect the goods before getting her all nice and slick, focusing on her lovely ass. Ashly then gets on her knees to slobber all over his BBC before it's time for a nice lubed-up footjob. Lil D, being the young gentleman that he is, goes down on Ashly and nibbles on her clit as he finger-fucks her pussy. We catch up with our two stars in the shower as they wash up and talk about Ashly's redebut  

Big Booty Ashly Anderson Fucks Lil D For her Re-Debut

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Added 4 years ago
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