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Brother Catches His Sister Stealing

Brother Catches His Sister Stealing


  So, I see my slutty little sister sneaking into our parent's bedroom. I know what she is going to do, so I catch her stealing dad's money on my phone. She needs to be taught a lesson, and I am tired of her walking around like a little princess while barely wearing any clothes. She admits she needs the money for the morning after pill, SHE IS SUCH A WHORE, I make her strip, and she is really pissed, then I make her play with her pussy for me, she is still mad, but she is such a little slut she still starts getting off, so now I make her get on her knees and suck my dick. I can tell how mad she is, but a dick in her mouth starts making her show what a horny little bitch she is, she tries telling me to hurry up and cum so I make her get on the bed and fuck her and even though she acts like she can't believe I am making her do it, she loves getting fucked too much not to moan for me. Since she has to get the pill anyway I fill her little pussy with cum and watch her try to push it all out  

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