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Famille Strokes – Kara

Famille Strokes – Kara


  Beautiful Gianna Gem has a tendency to get herself into trouble, especially when she hangs out with this one specific friend of hers. So, when she asks her stepmom if she can go to a party with her tonight, the concerned lady gives her a stern no. Gianna is pissed, but there is nothing she can really do. While living under her moms roof, she has to live by her rules. Luckily, her mom is not the only one in charge. Her stepdad also has a say when it comes to making the rules for Gianna, and he is a lot more understanding. Usually, all Gianna has to do is pout a little and the guy is like putty in her hands. But this time, when Giannas stepdad witnesses the big blow up between Gianna and her mom, he comes up with a plan. He waits until Giannas mom closes her eyes to take a rest and then has a one on one conversation with the troubled teen.  

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Added 4 years ago
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