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Horny Virgin Muslim Teenager Ella Knox Has Sex With Her Step Dad To Spite Her Mom

Horny Virgin Muslim Teenager Ella Knox Has Sex With Her Step Dad To Spite Her Mom


  Ella Knox is beautiful Muslim girl living in Dubai. Her ultra conservative upbringing has left her feeling super sexually frustrated. She is so tired of being locked up in her room all the time, and she blames her mom. Things get interesting when her mom remarries a rich white man. One day while she is the in the kitchen he comes in and grabs her from behind, thinking that Ella is her mom. It is hard to tell them apart under all that fabric. When he goes to apologize, Ella says it is ok and tells him not to worry. Then she makes her move, pouncing on the opportunity to get some. She puts her hand on his lap and comes in closer for a kiss. The white guy dont give a fuck so he pulls out his cock and feeds it to her. Ella keeps her hijab on the whole time, but she wastes no time unleashing her big, pendulous breasts. Riding on top of him and feeling his cock deep inside her, she is finally getting what she always wanted. He barely has time to shoot his load all over her face and head scarf before her mom comes barging into her room, eager to show Ella the new pillowcases she bought before she cuts slits into them.  

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Added 4 years ago
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