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Mes tartes en famille – Jane n Jessie

Mes tartes en famille – Jane n Jessie


  Valentine's Day is coming up and someone is leaving secret admirer cards for Damon Dice. He goes to confront his step-cousin, stepsister, and adopted sister to see if they know what's up. Jane Wilde, Jessie Saint, and Mackenzie Moss all deny knowing anything about it. When Damon leaves, Jane, the step-cousin, confesses that she gave him one of the cards after giving him a striptease to allegedly ask his opinion of some Valentine's lingerie. Next, Jessie admits that she left him a card after offering to give him a naked back massage. Finally, Mackenzie admits that she snuck into Damon's room, naked, and covered herself in flower petals while leaving a card. Too bad none of the girls' stories match up with the reality of what happened.  

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Added 4 years ago
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