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Mommy teach you and your little sister to have sex.

Mommy teach you and your little sister to have sex.


  This is special day for mommy! My daughter is coming for the school break to visit me! And that's will be for the very first time, she will see her new brother! She couldn't be on my wedding day…but now she will be here for one week! There are so many things I want to do with her and show her! …..Well, I wasn't pretty sure, to put both of them in one room…but….my daughter was in church camp….so there will be no trouble! I guess! ……..Hell………even the best parent in the world could made a mistake! I open the door……..can you imagine that sock!!!My daughter making up with my son!!! And holding his cock…..so….so WRONG!!! Don't worry……mommy is going to show you…..both of you…..how to make it right! How to suck the cock the right way….so and that ofcourse my son has to give some oral pleasure back to his sister and to his mother! I have to teaching him everything…..and her too! But….if my daughter is all mommy…..she will learn very quickly! And in that moment I told…..why staying only at the oral pleasure?!…….let's teach those young everything ….STEP BY STEP !!! So my baby boy…..lie down with that rock hard cock and let mommy and your sister ride your cock!!! Showing you all sensitive points of the pussy and how to make goading the girl and the woman in one moment! And when is the right time…..oh yeah my baby boy!Make you explode so big one…..so huge orgasm you never had before!  

Mommy teach you and your little sister to have sex.

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